Saturday, September 23, 2006

Rough Week...

I don't have time to reply personally to all of your emails right now but I want to thank you all who sent them to me.

I ended up in the hospital Tuesday. I was there visiting the girls and was leaving to take a break and by the time I got to my car I was out of it. I sat in my car for 3 hours going in and out of conciousness before Chet called and all I could do was cry. He finally figured out where I was and got the emergency room personal to come and get me. I had a fever of 103.7! I was full of infection because of the mastitis and dehydrated. They admitted me and pumped me full of IV fluids and antibiotics and thank God, lots of good drugs! I have never in my life been in so much pain! I was pretty much out of it for about two days. My girls were supposed to come home Thursday but the docs were so good to work with us and kept them until today. My doc wasn't going to release me until today but I begged to come home yesterday afternoon and he relented with strict orders and precautions. I am feeling much better. Still having a lot of breast pain and trying to dry up this milk!! No more nursing for me, I am done with it. It about killed me, literally. I envy those that can do it but I gave it my best shot and my docs even agreed it was time to stop. Thank God my Mom is here or I don't know what we would have done. She has been a big help this week.

And best of girls come home today!!!!!! I will post pics as soon as I can and a link to the hospital nurseryweb so you can see their pics taken at the hospital.
Scratch that, the doc just called and Maggie lost weight for the 2nd day in a row and can't come home today. I am crushed.
I'll update as soon as I can. Please continue to remember us in your prayers and thank you all so much that are praying for us.

1 comment:

Doug & Stacy Fournier said...

i agree, you sure did give nursing your best shot, i gave up for less reasons than that. sorry to hear about the setback, but you know they are coming home soon if they are not already there. congratulations!!! all three of your girls are beautiful. i check in daily to see updates. i am from the momo board although i was misdiagnosed. can't wait to hear of their arrival at home.