Friday, September 08, 2006

One week old today!!

Sorry it has been so long but I literally have not had time or felt much like sitting at the computer.
The girls are doing great! No IV's and no oxygen. Natalie is in an open bassinett and trying her darndest to nurse good twice a day. They did start her on Prilosec today for the reflux and she already seems a little better. They are both gaining some weight thank goodness. They were looking pretty scrawny for a few days but much better now. Maggie is still in the isolette because she cannot steadily maintain her temperature but she isn't far behind her sister. They are so beautiful! Big sis got to hold Maggie today for the first time. She was thrilled. I got to hold them both at the same time a few days ago and I was thrilled!! Here are just a few other pics also. Daddy and Natalie, the stork in the yard thanks to some good friends!! and Maggie giving us some of her sleepy smiles!! I need to go and pump now but I will post more as soon as I can. Thank you all so much for your comments!!! I really enjoy reading them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that cute little girl looks a natural mum holding baby, love to take her to bed and make babies