Monday, August 21, 2006

11 days and counting...

Thanks Keith and Kristie!!

Only one more Saturday and Sunday to get through, only one more week that Chet has to do all the laundry and bring it back to me!! I reminded him of that yesterday after he spent all afternoon ironing my shirts. I only have about 5 that fit!! LOL!!!

Saturday my nurse brought me some visitors....13 month old mono twin girls and their Dad!! Their Mom was visiting someone in the hospital and Dad was making rounds showing off the girls to the nurses familiar with their case. They were here for several weeks and the girls were born at 29 weeks! They were in the NICU for I think he said 8 weeks. You sure couldn't tell it by looking at them now. They are so beautiful and happy! All smiles. It was such a pleasure seeing them and talking to their Dad about their experience. I have talked to many people on line but to actually see a set in person and discuss it with a parent was awesome. I can't wait until my girls get here, even more so now!!! I sure hope and pray that we have a very short NICU stay though. I am still really worried about the NICU part. I just want to go from where I am now to all of us being home together!

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