Friday, October 06, 2006

Thank you God!!!

Maggie's echocardiagram and EKG were perfect. Her blood pressure was good. The cardiologist says she still has a "tiny hole" in her heart but he expects it to close up just fine. It could take anywhere from 1 to 3 years. He does want to recheck her in 6 months to make sure all is continuing well but he said that he thinks she has a perfectly normal newborn heart!!!


Thank you all for your prayers!!!!!!!
Thanks for your help today Angelique!!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I am so glad the heart news was good. I have been thinking of you, your girls are SO cute! I love seeing the pics.

They have to cover the girls from birth as long as you add them at birth there is no "preexisting condition allowed".

I hope the prevacid helps, it helped my girls a lot. My girls always weighed atleast a pound apart and believe me it makes a big diffence when they are that tiny. Take care!
Laura (your fellow MOMO mom)