Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Nattie's surgery is next Monday

Brianna and her friend Maggie after completing their swim test for camp.

The girls watching sissy take her swim test.

Bri jumping in!

The wagon ride over to the camp area. Look how excited Bri is!

Girls in yellow!

ABOVE: Happy Mags.

BELOW: Mags going from 0 to 100!! TEMPER, TEMPER!!

They are finally holding their bottles and sippy cups!!

Maggie looking so sweet but looks can be deceiving!

Nattie being her mostly sweet little self.

I am trying to gear myself up mentally. It is hard to prepare yourself to have your child taken from you and know that anything could happen. And then to watch her suffer in pain for days while going without sleep for many days. I am exhausted already just thinking of next week. Please keep Natalie and our family in your prayers.

Both girls have had diarhhea so bad the last few days. I am pretty sure that they both have their bottom right tooth coming in. Hopefully that is the cause of it and it will be over once that tooth breaks thru. They aren't sleeping well again either. And we were making such great strides.

Bri left for summer camp on Sunday and Chet is out of town on business and being alone with these two while they are so irritable is very hard work!! I couldn't wait for their bedtime last night!!

Above are some recent pics of the girls and Sunday when we dropped Bri off at camp.


Doug & Stacy Fournier said...

wow, good for Bri. you are right, she really looks excited! i hope she has a great week!! i also hope the girls give you a little bit of a break so you can relax and not have too much stress by yourself. i'll be praying for natalie!!! let us know how she does.

Debra said...

I hope her surgery goes well. I will keep her and you in my prayers.

WTG Bri!! What camp is she going to? Is it an overnight one?

I hope you get a break soon. You need one!

Oh.. and when my boys started teething, their sleeping through the night routine stopped too. never to return! LOL Now they are up once a night. But it is a lot more sleep than I used to get!

familyof6 said...

Thanks Stacy and Debra for your well wishes. I will record Nattie's progress as soon as I am able to next week.
Deb, Bri went to a christian camp sponsered by our church. She stayed from Sunday afternoon until yesterday afternoon. She had a great time! And they wore her out! It is 10:40a.m. here and she is still asleep! I even went to wake her about 45 mins. ago but she didn't get up!

Anonymous said...

love to find a quiet place to get those 2 bathing beauties naked, love eaten pre teen p---y bet they taste fantastic