Tuesday, May 01, 2007

They both slept all night two nights in a row!!!

And by all night I mean from 9:30p.m until 8:00a.m. and this morning it was after 8am!!!! Woo!! Hoo!!!! It will be so nice if that nighttime feeding has been dropped.
Natalie is scheduled for another Nuclear Scan next Wed. 5/9. That will tell us her kidney function and how much it is draining. They said if it is the same or better they will just continue to watch it via ultrasound. But if not we may have to prepare ourselves for surgery for her also! So we will pray for results of the same or hopefully BETTER than last time. I can't help but wonder if maybe she just needs to have the surgery too. She is extremely irritable most of the time. And now Maggie is such a happy baby. I kept thinking it was teething but it has lasted for months now. Still no teeth so I guess it could be teething too.
Maggie has another uti. They called this morning and changed her antibiotic. Darn, I thought we were past this. It seems like we take two steps forward and one back.
I have some more cute pics but have to download them from the camera. I will try to get it done this weekend.
Until then....


Debra said...

WOOHOO!!! Isn't it the BEST when they both sleep through!!!!! Mine did last night from 7:30 till 7:30. 12 hours straight! I doubt I will ever see that again, but I am so thankful for it! I went to bed at 9pm too! IT was great!

Here's to more sleepFILLED nights for us!

Doug & Stacy Fournier said...

yeah, i'm so happy they slept through the night for you! it's nice. sorry to hear about maggie's uti, i hope she grows out of them fast! my older daughter went through a stretch of them and then they just stopped, i know how they hurt her, so i can't even imagine the pain in a baby. i will pray that nattalie doesn't need the surgery. i hope you have a relaxing weekend!

joan said...

Hi Happy Mommie, so glad everyone is doing so well. Please let me know when you are in Tennessee again so I can see the babies for real. Hope your son is doing well also, you have so much to be thankful for. I love your happy blogs, I can just hear love and happiness. So glad babies are finally getting some good sleep. Bri will be sleep deprived now when Tugg keeps her up. Praying Maggie will do fine with uti surgery and be better soon, I just know it. One big hurdle for you. My grandaughter Sophie will be 2 in Sept and weights 18 pounds. She is fine, just little and very cute. Love to all, Joan Cooley