Monday, March 10, 2008

Snow Day Play Pics

14.5 inches of snow on March the 8th!!! Crazy weather. It was 60 degrees on Monday. Bri was excited to finally have a good sledding snow. The twins loved it. They were like watching two puppies play. So funny. Maggie threw one of her famous temper tantrums when it was time to go in. But seriously now if your eyes are tearing and your nose is pouring I think it is really cold and time to go in and warm up!!!

I didn't label each of these pics because, now this is sad, w/the twins all bundled up like Michelin men I cannot tell who is who!!!


girlytwins said...

How fun. I wanted to take my girls up to the snow but I wasn't sure it was cost effective to buy snow suits for a hour of snow once this year. Now I wish I had. They look like they had a great time.

Doug & Stacy Fournier said...

wow, we have had our fair share of snow too! I am ready for spring! don't fele bad about not beign able to tell your girls apart from behind, because i can't either! :) i hope you have a great week!

Debra said...

FUN FUN FUN!!! We have had a lot of snow too this year. The kids love it too. Esp the twins, they LOVED sledding.