Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Maggie is doing....

WONDERFUL! You all were right when you said babies are so resiliant! It is like she never had major surgery. She is happy and smiles all the time. She keeps us laughing because she smiles so much. She has a dimple in her right cheek and it is just so darn adorable you can't help but just laugh at her. She is going to be the one that doesn't get punished when she really should because she is making us laugh!! We call her Smiley!
Both girls are very close to sitting up on their own. Still NO TEETH!! But they, especially Nattie, have been so irritable and chewing on everything. I can't keep Nattie's hands out of her mouth. I wish they would just pop on thru and give them some relief. Orajel is helping although they hate it.
I'll post some pics soon.
Gotta go somebody is crying!


Laura said...

I am so glad Maggie is recovering so well. It must be such a relief to have it over with. My kids were all late teethers too, ugh! Hope those teeth pop through soon.

Doug & Stacy Fournier said...

yeah, i'm glad maggie is doing soooo well. it is amazing how resiliant they are isn't it. i hope the girls teeth come through really fast, i hated the teething stage. have a great week!

Debra said...

I am so happy to hear she is doing better. Kids bounce back so much faster than we do!!